Our Nanny Bee

Created by Liane 3 years ago

The first time I met Bee was after mine and Sam's first official date, she wafted into her house from an art class looking incredibly stylish.  She poured herself a "small" whisky and joined us in front of the fire with the dogs.  She was so full of life and made me feel instantly at home.  I recall thinking that I'd never met anyone quite like her.  That was 23 years ago and since then as a family we have so many happy memories to think of.   The lively Garnham Sunday Roast dinners, the garden bbq's, the Christmas's the birthdays and garden centre visits.  Fondest memories of Sunday sea food tea's and ending up at her house with Sam and his friends after a night out,  she was always the life and soul and perfectly happy to join in the revelry.  I loved talking to her about fashion and listening to stories of her past.  As a gardener she was an inspiration and her garden really was Bee-autiful.  Her grandchildren loved her so much, her sense of fun never diminished and neither did her mischievous sense of humour.  She was able to keep a baby asleep in one of her special cuddles for as long as was needed ( and often longer than that) and as a mum of three herself she would always say to me "It seems like hard work now, but I promise you when you look back, the best days are when your children are young".  She taught the girls about flowers, birds and wild animals and every time the girls see a bumble Bee they will be reminded of their Nanny Bee.  Our most treasured days with her will always be the sunny relaxed days spent in the garden, watching the children play, drinking bubbles and putting the world to rights.  She said she never minded sharing her boy with me, and for that I am grateful, we will all miss the love, cuddles and outrageous comments so much .  Sleep tight Nanny Bee back in the arms of Grandad Peter.  You will live on in our hearts forever.  Liane Sam & your girls Liberty, Bella & Fawn. xxxxx
